Articles & News

7 Mar Thinking on Your Feet

Thinking on your feet, also known as being quick-witted or spontaneous, is important in many situations, such as public speaking, negotiations, impromptu speeches, or spontaneous debates. Here are some tips to help you develop your ability to think on your feet:

  1. Be Prepared: Preparation is vital to success. The more you know about a topic, the more equipped you are to handle unexpected questions or challenges. Read up on current events and familiarize yourself with key facts and figures related to your area of expertise. Be open to learning, unlearning, and relearning.
  2. Practice Active Listening: Pay close attention to what others are saying, and respond thoughtfully and deliberately. Listen to understand, not to give a response or argue. Avoid interrupting others, and try to understand their point of view before responding.
  3. Stay Calm: When under pressure, it can be easy to become disoriented, flustered, or intimidated. However, the ability to remain calm and focused is imperative to being able to think on your feet. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are well prepared.
  4. Be Confident: Confidence is a critical component of thinking on your feet. Believe in yourself and your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Try to project a sense of self-assurance, even if you are feeling nervous.
  5. Use Humor: Humor is a powerful tool for disarming tense situations and keeping the conversation light. Use humor to answer difficult questions, diffuse escalations or complex situations, and keep the audience engaged and focused.
  6. Stay Flexible: Be prepared to pivot and change direction when necessary. Be open to new ideas and perspectives, and be willing to adjust your approach if the situation warrants it.
  7. Stay Focused: Avoid diverting or bogged down on irrelevant details. Stay focused on the main topic and avoid getting sidetracked by tangential issues.
  8. Keep it Simple: When thinking on your feet, it’s essential to keep your responses clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or complex language, and try to make your points in a way that is easy for others to comprehend.


In conclusion, thinking on your feet requires a combination of preparation, active listening, confidence, humor, flexibility, focus, and simplicity. With practice and persistence, you can develop these skills and become a confident, quick-witted communicator.

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16 Feb How to Prepare for a Big Four Partner Interview

A partner interview is part of the recruitment strategy for the ‘Big Four’ accounting firms in the US, (PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Deloitte, and Ernst & Young) and is the last stage in what can often be a lengthy recruitment process.

The purpose of the partner interview is to make sure the candidate is a good fit for the company. There may be some preset questions – and usually a short presentation – but the interview itself is mainly reactive, based on the speaker’s comments, and at times can feel adversarial or combative.The key to a successful partner interview is preparation. For this reason, this article will focus on one specific area of mastery within the partner interview: the Question and Answer segment.

Knowing the likely styles of questions that will come up and preparing practical answers with a speech coach will help you prepare and come across as a confident, polished expert. Almost all of the companies will combine standard interview questions with behavioral and competency questions.

Here are three strategies on how to best prepare for the partner interview Question and Answer portion:

1. Prepare it, then let it go. It’s important to note that preparing for an interview does not mean trying to remember the answer to every possible question that may ask you. While a speaker may formally make notes in advance, and prepare answers with the key talking points, you should not plan to reference the notes in the interview, (even if you are virtual and could sneak them onto your monitor without anyone knowing). Your research and preparation will ensure that you have a set of adaptable answers that you can alter for anything that might come up.

2. Brainstorm the questions you expect to get, and the questions you hope are NOT asked. Below are examples of questions you might be asked at a partner interview:

  • With the current [latest world event here, such as a new President or global health crisis], how do you see your market changing?
  • Tell us a first in the door example.
  • What is your point of view on where the account needs to focus on continuing its growth trajectory?
  • How has the [latest topical event or challenge] impacted your market and how you sell and deliver to clients?

And as mentioned above, plan for the questions you hope are NOT asked, which will be personal and unique to you, such as:

  • What are our most significant challenges with [topic you feel uncomfortable addressing], and how would you recommend we address them?
  • What are your thoughts on the future strategy of our business?
  • What do you see as our most significant talent challenges, and how would you address them?
  • Tell me about a time you got it wrong.


3. Create a plan to handle nervousness. Despite this being the final interview in the process, it doesn’t have to be the most nerve-wracking. The company has seen something in you, so be confident, open, relaxed, and personable. Simple ways to demonstrate confidence include being aware of your nonverbal communication, (such as fidgeting), having a warm smile when appropriate, and speaking with clear and concise language.

One final thought – we often say as Executive Communication Coaches at The Speech Improvement Company – your amount of preparation should match the level of importance. I’d place a Big Four partner interview at a high level of importance. It’s always better to over-prepare than to under-prepare, especially when it comes to interviews.

We regularly help our clients thrive in partner interviews for the Big Four. Let us know if you’d like to talk about how we can help you with your upcoming high stakes interview.

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20 Dec Humility and Gratitude: Humanizing Your Corporate Image 

As coaches, we sometimes have clients with big egos and high opinions of themselvesin short, real Type A personalities. Sometimes they have trouble getting their ideas across to others or connecting with audiences. This is confusing for them (they are, after all, subject-matter experts), as having hard-charging personalities has helped them be successful and often sought-after speakers. They ask: What’s not working here? Why do some audiences tune me out? Why do I get the cold shoulder?

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6 Dec Mindful Listening in a Hybrid Work World

This past year has been filled with loads of change. We have rapidly learned how to channel our energies to get our work done. There has been a lot of focus on doing, producing, participating, fulfilling deadlines, and creating content. The communication part of our work streams is still being fine-tuned. As a communication coach, I frequently tell clients that the capacity to maintain and establish trustworthy relationships is the key to success during this unique hybrid time. Raising self-awareness about the fact that many people have become multitaskers. So, it’s vital to realize that distraction is just a click away.

One of the techniques we know makes a difference is active listening. Trusting relationships have a strong current of listening and feedback. Here’s an article about six methods to confidently demonstrate mindful listening and show you are present and involved in your interactions. As you read through, choose two that you can implement into your work interactions in the next 2 days. Creating a culture of communication in this new normal is how we navigate and continue to speak and listen with confidence.

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8 Nov Communicating with Authority – On Demand Recorded Webinar

Being able to communicate assertively and confidently helps people succeed in business and personal relationships. It begins with a mindset and requires attention to non-verbal communication and delivery style. This recorded webinar will introduce you to the best practices for both and provide valuable, life-long communication skills.



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1 Nov Getting your Message Across: Strategies for Conveying Technical and Complex Information

Communication excellence, the ability to speak clearly and convey ideas with impact, is highly associated with career and organizational success.

Yet, healthcare and technology leaders face a major challenge: how to simplify complex and technical information so that others “get it”, buy in, and take action for best results. (more…)

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25 Oct Managing Employees Remotely – On Demand Recorded Webinar

With large numbers of employees working remotely, managers are grappling with a set of challenges in communication, motivation, and employee engagement to continue leading effectively.

Watch our recorded webinar and you will learn:

– The key challenges to remote work

– Five important skills for effective remote collaboration

– How to motivate and engage employees

This is a unique opportunity to fine-tune your communication skills. You will learn proven strategies you can put to use immediately with any remote employee or team to keep them focused and productive.


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18 Oct Five Tips for Telehealth Professionals

Telehealth is here to stay! Eighty percent of patients had positive experiences during the pandemic, and the same number wish to continue their telehealth sessions when meeting in person is not necessary for treatment, or as an adjunct to in person visits.

No matter what the medium though, patients and clients judge healthcare providers on two dimensions:

1) Professional knowledge and expertise; and 2) Communication/relationship skills.


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