Learning to Listen

Hearing and listening are not the same process.  Hearing is the physical act of sound striking the eardrum.  Listening is differentiating among those sounds. Hearing is an involuntary and reflective act.  Listening is a voluntary and initiative act.  As you read these words, you are hearing sounds in the room or outside the building.  You are probably hearing an air-conditioning system or a furnace, or voices in the hallway. Perhaps you are hearing street traffic or an airplane.  Hearing these sounds simply means that the sounds are striking your eardrum.  It’s not until you focus on these sounds that you are actually listening to them.  Now that we’ve mentioned them, do you hear the sounds around you?  Are you listening to them?  In a business environment, you will hear many sounds that could demand your attention.

Listening behavior is either active or passive.  Passive listeners do not give full attention to the speaker.  Passive listening is characterized by looking away from the speaker, thinking about other subjects while listening, or perhaps engaging in another activity, such as writing a letter, or reading an article, or even carrying on another conversation with a second speaker.  Passive listening means not concentrating on the speaker’s message with your full capacity. It is widely accepted that passive listening is not as beneficial or productive as active listening.  However, as many parents know, many children can study or do homework while “listening” to music or the radio.  These children may say, “but I think better when the radio is on,” or “I can’t concentrate without Spotify.”  A whole generation of today’s millennials have listened passively to background music or talking while “concentrating” on something else.  This may work for children or some older students –  but passive listening is not appropriate in a business setting.

Active Listening (AL), on the other hand, is more productive in business and relationships. AL is exhibited in many ways that include eye contact with the other person who is speaking, asking questions for clarification and responsive commentary . AL has two major components . The first is being able to pay attention to the speaker. That is, to block other sounds in the space so that you can both hear and evaluate what is being said. The second component is focus That is, being able to actively and purposefully select words and ideas and differentiate them from other words and ideas that the speaker is presenting. These two components are key to both clear and deep understanding as well as building a positive relationship.

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How Not to Digest the Political Sandwich of  Balderdash – Doublespeak – Bullxxxx

Technically speaking, each of these three things is slightly different. Practically speaking, they are all the same in the attempt to confuse, distract, and deceive the reader, listener, buyer, and voter. We all know that each of these verbal tactics is normal behavior for most politicians and slick salespeople. They are prevalent at this time of year—election season. During this political season, when you are facing several important decisions on issues ranging from birth and

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Ponderous Prepositions and Prefixes

Nothing is more symptomatic of our declining language skills than the increased misuse of prepositions and prefixes. People today feel compelled to tinker with proper word usage in speech by adding those handy prepositions and prefixes. Take traffic reports, for instance. Traffic on Route 1 is “easing up,” “easing down,” “easing off,” or “easing out,” but never just “easing.” What is “easing up” traffic?  Is that when cars levitate? Levitating cars certainly would ease traffic.

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Motivating Others

In this 30-minute recorded webinar, you will learn the difference between inspiration and motivation. We will introduce the unique Motivation Matrix and use it to identify the six elements needed to motivate anyone. Spread the love

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