Executive Communication Coaching ~ An expanding and specialized field

Executive Communication Coaching (ECC) is a specialty within the leadership coaching field which focuses on imparting communication skill expertise to achieve individual, team and organizational success. ECC focuses on assessment and targeted goals, mindset change, skill presentation and practice; and is measured by observable results. Client self-discovery and insight are integral to the coaching process, as they greatly impact ability to integrate and apply new and effective strategies. ECC is distinguished from other Executive Coach expertise areas because of its primary focus on skills, and observable behavior change.

Why Executive Communication Coaching
Though the word “coach “is a familiar one in business today, our specialty, executive communication coaching is a relatively new area of expertise, rising in popularity since its sparse beginnings in the 1960’s…for good reason!

Research and polls consistently indicate that effective communication is linked to leader effectiveness and business results, while poor communication can sink the best business ideas.

For example, according to a 2022 Harris poll, 72% of business leaders stated that their team was challenged by miscommunication. They estimated that teams lose about one productive workday each week to poor communication.

Human communication skills remain essential, perhaps more so in the digital and AI age. In a recent LinkedIn survey, three quarters of US executives polled placed more value on human communication excellence versus AI-related skills. Professional communication skill development is linked to greater productivity, engagement, morale, and career success.

What are ECC focus areas?
Clients self-initiate or are referred for ECC group or individual programs in order to enhance effective communication mindset, strategies, and skills. Referrals are initiated by Human Resources, Learning and Development professionals, managers, and leaders/professionals themselves.

Here are the seven most frequently occurring client needs along with examples:

1 – Enhancing leaders’/teams’ presentation organization and delivery.  Organizational skills include the topics of wording, themes, structure, and high impact/high interest messaging. Delivery skills include oral (speech and voice) and nonverbal (facial expression, movement, gestures) best practices. Focus on incorporating appealing slides and visuals without overshadowing the presenter is a frequent goal. Clients see presentation competence and dynamism as a key attribute for leadership.

Client example one: Ying, a director in a top pharmaceutical firm, was rolling out an organizational change which would impact other directors’ roles and resources. She sought coaching for her team to enhance message clarity, consistency, and ability to handle resistance and challenges.

Client example two: A recent client outshone his competitors in a search for Audit Director for the State Department of Transportation because he alone, among all of the auditor applicants, had completed a Leadership Communication Coaching Program. Additionally, his energetic and persuasive delivery were noted by the interviewers as essential to making an impact as a new hire.

2 – Preparing for visibility opportunities. Companies want to ensure that leaders are effective in board meetings, moderating or appearing on a panel, video communication, poster session, conference talk, media appearances, keynote and other high stakes situations.

Client example: Rowen, a marketing professor recognized as a thought leader in his field wished to develop a salable keynote speech on the trending topic of privacy in digital marketing. Though his speaking skills were above average, he knew he needed to step up his game in order to achieve keynote presenter status.

3 – Increasing meeting leadership and facilitation skills, often with emphasis on the virtual environment, and creating safe, inclusive and engaging meetings.

Client example: Haley, a biostatistician, was charged with heading a thirty – person international research team meetings on a weekly basis. She was concerned that her questions to the group were met with silence, and that one team member dominated interactions. Haley sought coaching focused on creating a more enthusiastic and professional virtual appearance, and easy to apply engagement techniques. For example, she learned ways to create PODs- Participants of the Day—team members charged with responding to questions at a designated meeting.

4 – Developing more effective interpersonal leadership communication, often referred to as “Style Coaching” A wide range of goals are included in this category including increasing contributions in meetings, and improving likability and trust building behaviors.  Frequently requested topics include providing and receiving feedback, interview communication, delegating, coaching skills, and handling challenges and objections.

Client example one: Though competent, Rosa was alienating her peers and team members with her brusque style and disinterest in socializing. The accounting firm’s HR director felt she had done all she could to encourage Rosa, and sought professional coaching as a “last ditch investment” prior to letting Rosa go.

Client example two: Winn and Tomas, two super achievers in an international credit card company, were successful at every initiative–except gaining recognition and visibility with the C suite folks. When they weren’t invited to a leadership offsite at a swank Florida resort, they were fuming, and didn’t know how to handle the VP’s remark, “I didn’t think that you’d find the retreat time worthwhile.

5 – Influencing upward: Adapting to the communication style desired by company culture and senior leaders.

Client example:  A large insurance and financial services firm asked our company to develop a program titled Executive Briefings. The company leaders did not appreciate the overly detailed and longwinded “summaries” presented at meetings, and wanted enterprise-wide adoption of strategies focused on conciseness and prioritizing speaking points.

6 – Reducing nervousness in communication situations (also known as communication apprehension in the communication sciences field)

Client example: Sean, a lead civil engineer, was known for showcasing his team members at client meetings yet confessed that the real reason he wasn’t “center stage” was due to his longstanding fear of speaking in front of groups. Sean was up for a promotion to partner, but dreaded having to stand up and introduce himself at high power networking events. He expressed a “now or never” desire to control his communication apprehension.

7 – Maximizing comfort for leaders who use English as a business language. Common topics here include speech clarity and intonation improvement, understanding expressions and humor, and adapting style to various listeners. Emphasis is also placed on helping listeners appreciate diversity in leadership style and speaking patterns.

Client example: Lee, a nurse manager in a community hospital, believed that others judged her accent and grammatical errors as distracting, and she held herself back from expressing opinions. Her family found it humorous that she was seen as too quiet at work, since she was known for her never ending banter at home. Lee’s advocate in the hospital training department was on the hunt for a coach who could work on refining speaking patterns and building her confidence.

Executive Communication Coach Qualifications
Executive communication coaches, as do all coaches, require a wide range of knowledge, coaching practices, and character traits of calmness, flexibility, and creativity.

There are currently no certifying bodies for executive communication coaches, though the US based National Communication Association has formed committees to study the need for more rigor in field over the past decade.

Several communication companies offer training programs which focus on two areas: 1) Learning best practices in one or more of the coaching topics mentioned above 2) Learning coaching process and methodology. Note: Coaching in vocal and speech mechanics requires a specialization in a related field such as speech/language pathology, communication sciences, or vocal performance.

Moving forward, as the field grows, and standards for training are put in place, Executive Communication Coach competencies may include: Study of research, theory and practice in leadership communication; verbal organization presentation skills; communication apprehension; interpersonal communication; speech and voice mechanics; nonverbal skills; and persuasion; knowledge and application of assessment and goal setting; coaching philosophy and methodology; and behavioral change theory and approaches.

An internship with feedback and supervision from an experienced communication coach to develop and refine coaching style and practices is a must.

The Future of Executive Communication Coaching
As the AI age advances, the need for maximally effective human communication will likely increase, as indicated in recent studies of top business priorities. The field of Executive Communication Coaching is currently adding to leaders’ and team’s presentation, meeting, speech and interpersonal effectiveness, and business results. As the demand for ECC increases, standards for training and eventually certification will likely be established.

Helping leaders communicate with competence and confidence is a continual organizational need-and the profession of Executive Communication Coaching is guiding this critical mission.


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