MLK – Changing the World Through Speech

Martin Luther King is known as the greatest orator in modern times– a man whose words and style created profound social change. Though few of us will transform society, we can elevate our professional world through the way we speak.

Here are three lessons:

  1. Your words have power:  MLK taught us that a leader must have a theme that s/he states frequently.  The four words “I have a dream” were powerful because they were chanted repeatedly and succinctly expressed MLK’s vision of a more just world. I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!”  
  2. Take a stand:  Leaders need courage to say what they mean and mean what they say.  As a communication coach, I have found that the most respected leaders take a stance, with diplomacy and strength. Dr. King statedThere comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor political nor popular, but he must do it because his conscience tells him it is right.
  3. Find your Voice:  MLK’s voice was resonant and lyrical, with a poetic rhythm and passion felt through each phrase. Each leader needs to find his/her unique style.  My team and I have observed many kinds of speaking styles among effective leaders.  Whether reserved, impassioned, sonorous or subtle, the lesson from Dr. King rings clear:

The time is always right to do what is right.”


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Networking When You Hate Networking

True confessions: I’m an introvert. I do not like talking to people I don’t know. However, I will be entirely unsuccessful in my profession if I do not meet new people. For so many professions, meeting new people is crucial to success. And for people like me, networking is a dirty word. So, how can we make networking less painful and more doable? Attending professional conferences provides an excellent opportunity to engage in networking. Here’s

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Do You Struggle to Get to the Point? Try the HEC Strategy!

Ever been asked to “get to the point” and found yourself scrambling? If so, you might be an inductive thinker—someone who starts with smaller details and builds toward the bigger picture. While this approach feels natural for many, it can waste time and frustrate deductive thinkers, who prefer starting with the conclusion. Enter the HEC strategy: Headline-Example-Comment. This simple framework helps you speak clearly and efficiently in 20 seconds or less. 1. Headline Start with

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The Magic of the Metaphor to Simplify Complex Information

When explaining complicated, technical concepts during a presentation, metaphors can be a powerful way to ensure your audience understands the material. By comparing a complex idea to something familiar, you make the information more relatable and easier to grasp. Take the concept of cloud computing, for example. Instead of delving into the technical intricacies, you could compare it to a bustling airport terminal. Just as passengers board different flights to reach various destinations, data in

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