Speak With Confidence

Better Speech Day 1989 Faneuil Hall Boston

  In 1989, The Speech Improvement Company Inc., in partnership with W.I.L.D., and Fanueil Hall (Quincy Market Place)  in Boston hosted Better Speech Day. The winner of the speech competition was Freestyle Rap artist T.I.C.


5 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Shy

By Laurie Schloff, Senior Coaching Partner There’s nothing wrong with introspection – some of the time. Most of us fall somewhere on the shyness spectrum, ranging from folks who are quiet by choice (or because they’re afraid of expressing themselves) to people who are reflective and choose to use their words sparingly. Wherever you fit on the shyness spectrum, you will probably benefit from learning outgoing behaviors and practicing a more forthcoming communication style. Here


Was The President Presidential?

By: Monica Murphy Senior Coaching Partner As Speech Communication Coaches, we are regularly sought out for our communication critique. We focus on the delivery style and techniques by speakers. The big question asked of us yesterday was , “Was Obama Presidential in his delivery of the State of the Union?” So what is Presidential? It is subjective for certain, however, as Coaches we know that listeners describe a speaker as Presidential in their style by


Defensiveness prevents clear communication.

If they are defensive, your message is most likely lost. Something has caused your listener to feel like you, intentionally or not, are attacking their idea or them. This emotion will cause them to focus on defending the idea or their character instead of exploring solutions. They are struggling and it may be your fault. You may not have set the right expectations. You may have used a tone that does not match your intended message.


Steven Slater: Service Traitor

By Laurie Schloff, Senior Coaching Partner Hello people, rationality calling. I feel real bad for Steven Slater.  Most of us would forgive him for reaching the flying freak out point one hot day in August. We got the laugh and the vicarious revenge.  Apparently, many Americans are so fed up with the people or the boss they were hired to serve that flight attendant Steven Slater’s dramatic exit from JetBlue made them green with envy.


Rebels Rap for Peace – The Power of Symbols

By Dr. Dennis Becker, Principal & Senior Coaching Partner Last week I was on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard , along with sixteen other family members.  It’s an annual thing.  We plan it a year in advance and all commit to it.  It’s great..  During the week, two separate  conversations  gave me pause to wonder about how we are interpreting symbols these days.  By symbols I mean those non-verbal , non-audio signs on everything from bill


Email Etiquette is Vital to Productive Communication in the Workplace

By Tori Aiello, Coach/Trainer at The Speech Improvement Company I recently was stopped by someone on the street who had participated in one of my email training courses and she said, “You’re not going to believe this but one of my friends was just let go for laying off her employees by email.”  I replied, “If only she had taken my email training course!” Imagine how her colleagues must have felt when their termination notice