Speak With Confidence

Three Powerful Reasons Storytelling Works in Business

Storytelling is an advanced communication tool that can build rapport, increase retention and powerfully persuade.  Capturing, structuring and delivering relevant stories is an invaluable skill in business. 1)  Build Rapport – Experiences are unique; however, emotions are universal.  Telling a short, interesting personal story allows the listener to tap into the same emotion as the teller, creating a memorable rapport.  The effectiveness depends upon expressing the relevant emotion in the story. 2) Increase Retention –


Framing your business narrative during crisis time

Figuring out how to frame a narrative in a crisis is very important. Now, in the midst of this pandemic, if you need to adjust your business narrative, how should you do that?  If your business is to continue, your constituents need to know that your company is still strong and has been able to adapt to changing times. Here is food for thought and some direction for your consideration as you address this issue.


Ten Things Professionals like about Zooming

Inquiring Communication Coach: What do you like about Zooming? I conducted a non-scientific poll of my business clients to learn:       Top  10  Things Professionals Like About Zoom You can wear your PJ bottoms (just watch the camera shot). You can look at yourself all day, for better or worse. You don’t have to smell fish cooking in the microwave. You get to use your own bathroom. You can squeeze your stress ball


Attend our Workshop: Thinking on Your Feet

90-minute, online, interactive workshop Thinking on Your Feet Thursday, May 21, 20201:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT $99 per seat     THINKING ON YOUR FEET is always a strong indicator of confidence and competence. Next to controlling nervousness, it’s our most requested training topic! Two things will happen during this 90-minute workshop: First, you will learn specific techniques that will help you strengthen your ability to think on your feet and express your thoughts


Five Ideas for Encouraging Participation in Virtual Meetings 

Research and experience tell us how important equal and energized group meetings are to morale and productivity.  Yet, clients using virtual audio or video conferencing say that engaging all participants, holding attention, and controlling interruptions and overlapping speakers are significant challenges. Make sure you are incorporating these five essentials in your virtual meetings: Author Laurie Schloff View all posts


Dr. Dennis Becker at World Speech Day

Dr. Dennis Becker, founder of The Speech Improvement Company, spoke on March 16 at World Speech Day. The honor of representing North America was given to him in recognition of his stature as a worldwide expert in human communication. World Speech Day is a day to celebrate speeches and speechmaking that change the world – socially, politically, in the arts, business, and religion. This is their fifth year and featured a Master Class of speakers


Communicating During Crisis (Recorded Webinar)

30-minute recorded webinar   Communicating During Crisis   Navigating Essential Conversations   Watch Now   In these unprecedented times, your people are relying on your insight and direction. Effective communication is every leader’s best tool and using it appropriately is the key to moving business forward. Your employees, peers, vendors, partners, and others all need clear, concise, and useful information. Our team of Executive Communication Coaches will be joined by renowned crisis expert Dr. Kevin


How Can Disaster Psychology Help Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis?

In recent years, the world has seen a number of significant large-scale disasters; some caused by nature and some caused by humans. For many, the words “disaster” or “crisis” evoke images of buildings in shambles, decimated communities, and families who are homeless and uncertain where their next meal will come from. Until recently, these disasters included only such events as tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and terrorist attacks. These days it is the coronavirus that is bringing


Managing Employees Remotely (Recorded Webinar)

Managing Employees Remotely Overcoming challenges in communication, motivation, and employee engagement Watch the Recording Now The coronavirus is forcing many of us to work and manage remotely. With large numbers of employees working remotely for the first time and reading frightening headlines daily, managers have a whole new set of challenges to continue leading effectively. Watch our webinar and you will learn: The key challenges to remote work Five important skills for effective remote collaboration How to motivate