Give Me a Break! Tips to Promote Team Morale and Sanity

As we all continue to adapt to our remote workplace in 2021, coaches find that our clients confide worries and challenges about virtual meetings to us.

So, meeting leaders, here are easy ways to enhance  your team’s morale and productivity :

  1. Give them a break. Some team members feel like it’s a luxury to visit their own bathroom or grab a yogurt, as close as they may be. Encourage 15-minute breaks every ninety minutes or two hours and discourage back to back meetings. Speaking of meetings…
  2. Make it easy to ask questions. Team members miss informal chatter, laughs, and learning from others just by hanging out. One financial analyst shared that he avoids asking his manager a simple question since it seems “so formal” to schedule a call.
  3. Remember that fun builds trust. Make time for rituals and some crazy moments. Getting those positive hormones going is bonding—and bonding builds morale. Back in November, I asked a bank CIO to share the highlight of his past week. The enthusiasm in his voice and body language was better than ever when he shared that he organized a Halloween costume contest. This C- Suite Dracula had forty team members enter with just a day’s notice.

  1. Create an inclusive meeting mindset. McKinsey, the top consulting firm, recently reported engagement and performance correlated with how “included” an employee feels.


I’m currently helping meeting leaders/facilitators to ensure that participation is as equal as possible, that leaders aren’t doing all the talking and that even the quieter folks are adding value.

Try a few easy tweaks, such as doing a “round-robin” after a question is posed to the group.

One of my favorite quotes: “Everyone is wearing a sign—make me feel special.”


Laurie Schloff, Executive Communication Coach, The Speech Improvement Company

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Think Mind Over Mouth

The ability to convey ideas with a significant impact is highly associated with career and organizational success. Yet, technology leaders and professionals face a major challenge; simplifying complex and technical information so that others “get it”, buy-in, and take action for the best results. Here are some truths about transmitting knowledge and influencing others outside your field: Knowing your topic does not equal speaking clearly about your topic. Your listeners likely don’t care about your

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Simple & Effective PowerPoint Strategies for Non-Technical Listeners

When presenting to non-technical listeners, remember that your PowerPoint slides should clarify and emphasize your key business points. As a presenter, you may think all the information on the slide is important, but do your listeners need to understand it? Avoid overcrowding them with text and complex charts. Remember, your listeners should be listening, rather than reading your slides. Here are four tips: Identify the main takeaway for each slide. Remove any unnecessary information. Add

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Presenting technical information to non-technical listeners

Meaning Keeps Non-Technical Listeners Engaged

I recently met with a client who was concerned about presenting on a “dry topic”. His topic was full of data and technical concepts that he felt would bore the audience, and after hearing his first run through, he was correct. One of the best ways to present technical information to a non-technical audience is to focus on what data means, not on the data itself. For example, if you analyze the stat sheet of

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