Visuals in the Virtual World – A Quick Tip 

Using visuals during presentations is helpful for listeners to connect with your message.  They are used to emphasize and clarify speaking points.  Has this changed in the virtual world?  The short answer is NO.  Presenters need to be cautious of having their listeners disconnect from them and their message due to visuals.  Whether you are in person or virtual, disconnecting happens. Still, presenters compete for their listeners’ attention with so many more distractions in a virtual world.  Why is the dog barking, who is ringing my door, why is my child texting me are just a few examples of what listeners are thinking now that they are working from home.  

So, as we continue with virtual presenting,  remember to keep your visuals simple.  Avoid having too much text on your slides.  Your listeners will read ahead and will have no reason to keep listening. Once you have shown your visual and highlighted the business point, take it down or move on to your next slide.  Staying on a visual too long makes it easier for a listener to disconnect.   

Visuals are necessary and helpful but don’t give your listeners a reason to disconnect. 


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What Does Your Handshake Say About You?

A handshake is one of the first things a client or colleague notices about you, shaping their perception of your strength, confidence, and ability to connect. Regardless of age or seniority, a well-executed handshake sets the right tone for any professional interaction. As a communication coach, I work with clients to ensure their handshakes convey confidence, approachability, and credibility. The Power of a Handshake Dating back to ancient Greece, the handshake has long symbolized trust

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Have the Listeners in Mind!

I speak with hundreds of conference speakers a year. In fact, I love doing it because it is great to learn what is being discussed around the world in a variety of industries, and it obviously helps those speaking to say what they say more effectively. One thing that I constantly hear is how do I make sure that I am keeping people’s attention? This is a great question, however the nervousness behind it is

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Creating Conversation at Conferences

One of your goals when attending conferences is meeting and connecting with other attendees. Building relationships starts with a conversation. Many of my clients are not entirely comfortable striking up conversations with strangers. I am often asked, “What do I say?” I work with clients to create conversations based on the Three Ws. 1st: Where are you? Think about where you are physically. 2nd; What do you have in common with the person? What do

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