Speaking Business English Clearly

Navigating Language and Being Heard

English is the international language of business. This can be especially challenging for people whose native language is not English. This complimentary lesson will introduce the most important elements of being able to speak English clearly.


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Speaking Successfully at a Conference Fireside Chat

A fireside chat in business is an informal yet structured conversation between a moderator and a guest speaker (or panel) at a conference, event, or corporate gathering. Unlike traditional keynote speeches or panel discussions, fireside chats are engaging, relaxed, and interactive—almost like an intimate conversation around a fireplace, which is where the term originates. Of course, speaking in this format may not always feel comfortable. Nerves can creep in between the lavalier mic, a tight

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What Does Your Handshake Say About You?

A handshake is one of the first things a client or colleague notices about you, shaping their perception of your strength, confidence, and ability to connect. Regardless of age or seniority, a well-executed handshake sets the right tone for any professional interaction. As a communication coach, I work with clients to ensure their handshakes convey confidence, approachability, and credibility. The Power of a Handshake Dating back to ancient Greece, the handshake has long symbolized trust

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Have the Listeners in Mind!

I speak with hundreds of conference speakers a year. In fact, I love doing it because it is great to learn what is being discussed around the world in a variety of industries, and it obviously helps those speaking to say what they say more effectively. One thing that I constantly hear is how do I make sure that I am keeping people’s attention? This is a great question, however the nervousness behind it is

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