Are You Seeing What I’m Saying?

In a fast-paced digital-hybrid work environment, effective communication is crucial for success. Speakers want to be both heard and understood. One of the best tools we use to help clients is lining up their verbal and nonverbal cues.

Our message becomes clearer and more impactful when our words and body language sync. We listen with our eyes.

By using appropriate hand gestures, facial expressions, and body posture, we can emphasize key points, convey confidence, and establish rapport with our listeners. This alignment enhances understanding, engages attention, and helps overcome distractions in a bustling workplace. Your body posture can convey enthusiasm, confidence, and sincerity, reinforcing the spoken words. A good speaker coach will help you master the art of synchronized communication, leading to more effective communication and collaboration.


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From Jargon to Clarity

In technical fields, your expertise is invaluable—but when sharing complex information with non-technical listeners, the goal isn’t to showcase your depth of knowledge. Instead, focus on helping them understand and trust what you’re saying. As a communication coach with 30 years of experience, my advice is simple: “It’s not about you.” Your listeners need clarity, not complexity. Tailoring your message to how they want to receive it fosters understanding and builds trust. Here are three

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Speak With Confidence Tips

Tip #1: Consider your use of contractions If you want to polish and add gravitas to your speaking style, it’s time to reconsider your use of contractions. The words below can be a good start to set a formal tone and an excellent approach to elevate your messaging. aren’t → are not; there’s → there is; can’t → cannot; they’d → they had; couldn’t → could not; they’ll → they will; didn’t → did not;

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Are you always in the weeds? Understanding your mindset is the key to stopping!

When communicating up the corporate ladder, the ability to curate information effectively is crucial. However, many people fall into the trap of oversharing details, driven by underlying psychological factors that can undermine their communication effectiveness. One of the primary reasons people feel compelled to overshare is the desire to validate their worth. The mindset of proving you’ve done a lot of work often stems from a need for recognition and approval. By sharing every detail,

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