Why becoming an entrepreneur may be the best choice for women

Three businesspeople having a meeting in the office with laptop computer on the desk

Let’s start with some statistics.  

Women are still earning 82 cents for every dollar a man earns.  If part time workers were included in that statistic, it would be much lower.  

Upwards of 75% of all caregivers are female, and may spend as much as 50% more time providing care than males. [Institute on Aging. (2016)]

The demands on a woman’s time between children, aging parents and maintaining a home have never been greater.  The need for flexible schedules and fair pay has also never been greater.  

For this reason many women are taking the leap from being tied to a schedule with a static below par rate of pay to becoming their own boss.  Many women turn to a side hustle with network marketing company otherwise known as Direct Sales.  In fact, 73.5% of direct sellers are women. 

The more support a woman can receive in this leap to freedom, the more she will succeed.  That is why one of our coaches, Robin Golinski, participated in the upcoming online summit:  Profitable Passions Unleashed with 19 other successful women.  Robin has coached and trained many women on selling, negotiation, assertive communication and many other communication skills that enable them to thrive. You can register for the Summit here. It begins on February 1st, 2019.

Here are just a few things that we are talking about:

  • The struggles are real: learn how to overcome them
  • How determination and mindset leads to successes
  • How to manage mindset along the way, especially when things got tough
  • Getting comfortable talking about money & charging what you’re worth
  • How to deal with the naysayers be it family, friends or even strangers on the street
  • Tangible strategies that work to stimulate business growth

Register here
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How Not to Digest the Political Sandwich of  Balderdash – Doublespeak – Bullxxxx

Technically speaking, each of these three things is slightly different. Practically speaking, they are all the same in the attempt to confuse, distract, and deceive the reader, listener, buyer, and voter. We all know that each of these verbal tactics is normal behavior for most politicians and slick salespeople. They are prevalent at this time of year—election season. During this political season, when you are facing several important decisions on issues ranging from birth and

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Ponderous Prepositions and Prefixes

Nothing is more symptomatic of our declining language skills than the increased misuse of prepositions and prefixes. People today feel compelled to tinker with proper word usage in speech by adding those handy prepositions and prefixes. Take traffic reports, for instance. Traffic on Route 1 is “easing up,” “easing down,” “easing off,” or “easing out,” but never just “easing.” What is “easing up” traffic?  Is that when cars levitate? Levitating cars certainly would ease traffic.

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Motivating Others

In this 30-minute recorded webinar, you will learn the difference between inspiration and motivation. We will introduce the unique Motivation Matrix and use it to identify the six elements needed to motivate anyone. Spread the love

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