MassBioEd Course: Presenting with Persuasion, Clarity & Strength

Join Robin Golinski, Executive Communication Coach and our partner, MassBioEd on June 13, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Presenting with Persuasion, Clarity & Strength provides professionals with key skills to comfortably speak in a clear and confident manner. Whether presenting internally or externally, telling your story effectively, delivering meaningful messages, being persuasive, and speaking confidently in a variety of settings takes skill development and practice. The course is taught with role-playing and exercises.

“I learned that non-verbal aspects when speaking were very important to be aware of. Most of the time, people do not know they are ‘presenting’ before actually speaking.” – Attendee, September 2021


  • Sharing Communication Challenges
  • Understanding the Listener’s Needs
  • Understanding the Communication Environment
  • Identifying Theme
  • Being Persuasive
  • Using Notes & Visual Aids
  • Best Practices for Presenting Virtually
  • Handling Questions
  • Practice Strategies
  • Deliver a Presentation to the Group

MassBio Member Rate: $850
Non Member Rate: $970

To register:



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What Does Your Handshake Say About You?

A handshake is one of the first things a client or colleague notices about you, shaping their perception of your strength, confidence, and ability to connect. Regardless of age or seniority, a well-executed handshake sets the right tone for any professional interaction. As a communication coach, I work with clients to ensure their handshakes convey confidence, approachability, and credibility. The Power of a Handshake Dating back to ancient Greece, the handshake has long symbolized trust

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Have the Listeners in Mind!

I speak with hundreds of conference speakers a year. In fact, I love doing it because it is great to learn what is being discussed around the world in a variety of industries, and it obviously helps those speaking to say what they say more effectively. One thing that I constantly hear is how do I make sure that I am keeping people’s attention? This is a great question, however the nervousness behind it is

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Creating Conversation at Conferences

One of your goals when attending conferences is meeting and connecting with other attendees. Building relationships starts with a conversation. Many of my clients are not entirely comfortable striking up conversations with strangers. I am often asked, “What do I say?” I work with clients to create conversations based on the Three Ws. 1st: Where are you? Think about where you are physically. 2nd; What do you have in common with the person? What do

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