How to Deal With FEAR in 4 Steps

1. Fear, and often fear of speaking, ignites an immediate flight or freeze response in your body.

First you need to calm down both your nervous system and body response in order to think clearly.

Here’s a focused deep breathing exer

cise that is extremely helpful. Research has shown it instantly moves the brain’s reaction to calmness even in highly stressful situations. This creates the space you need to make decisions and take proper actions. It is recommended to train with this simple exercise during times when you’re not stressed so you remember it in difficult ones. Your body’s response will come much faster when it is ingrained in your habits.

Here’s the breathing exercise:

2. Fear is a lifesaver and signals that things are off.

Consciously remind yourself: It is extremely rare to be in a potentially lethal situation as long as you breathe, are safe and not threatened. You will be ok in that very moment of fear – you’ll get it sorted out!

3. Fear is an important signal that things need to be taken care of asap.

Take massive action – learn and grow as you face and tackle your situation STEP BY STEP – remember that you only have to make it through the next five minutes, and then the next…. and so on.

You might not always be able to change the external situations you fear at that very moment, but you can change how you react to them. Then plan further action and change your thinking from victim to victor.

4. Take charge of your own situation and rise above the challenge.

Seek help, knowledge, and support where needed – asking for help is a strength, not a weakness.

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”  -Jack Canfield


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