How to Convince Your Boss to Pay for Presentation Training

businessman is giving pen to business partner to sign contract

Today’s motivated and driven employees know they need continual training to keep up with and thrive within a competitive and fast-paced corporate world.  That training may require an approval process, whether it’s a boss, decision-maker, or others.

In Brendon Burchard’s book High-Performance Habits, he explains in Habit Four, “Get Insanely Good at Key Skills (Progressive Mastery). Determine the five major skills you need to develop over the next three years to grow into the person you hope to become. Then set out to develop those skills with obsessive focus. The most important thing is to always be developing the critical skills to your future success.”

Effective communication and soft skills are at the top of the list in most industries on desired traits of top performers. In Jeb Blount’s book Fanatical Prospecting, he explains that when it comes to personal branding, there is no better methodology than speaking in public. He shares, “Public speaking is a powerful method for meeting people and developing business relationships because it creates an environment where prospects seek you out.” 

To be able to showcase your knowledge but feel you need more training on presentation or communication skills, consider how a skilled executive communication coach can help. You would learn about:

  • clarity of speech using appropriate pacing and clear articulation
  • how to organize content for a presentation
  • how to start and finish a presentation
  • how to use slides within a presentation for maximum impact
  • the three ways to persuade someone
  • the best way to adapt to the listeners’/audience’s needs
  • understanding and eliminating the fear of speaking
  • mastering digital communication such as conducting meetings and delivering pitches on video platforms
  • managing virtually for maximum impact
  • controlling how others perceive you as a speaker (helpful, knowledgeable, confident, approachable) 

Below is a template you can adapt to persuade decision-makers that you require training on essential communication skills. I chose our Two-Day Presentation Skills Training for this template, but you should substitute your area of opportunity, such as leadership, negotiation, investor presentations, emotional intelligence, or any other area you would like training.

To: [Manager]

From: [Your Name]

Re: Adding Presentation Training to the Current Development Program

Dear [Manager], 

I am requesting your approval to provide presentation training in the next quarter with The Speech Improvement Company.  The Speech Improvement Company is the oldest and most established coaching firm in the nation.

Based on their work at [ – insert clients that are most similar to yours, see our client pdf for complete list] and other top organizations around the world, their Presentation Skills Training is a two-day workshop that has enabled thousands of people to become more comfortable and effective in their communication. Participants will learn the same practices taught to leaders of countries, leaders of companies, and people from all levels of organizations like ours. This program will be tailored and customized to our specific types of internal and external presentations.

I believe what is taught in these sessions and hands-on training will bring significant value to our team.

In addition to the knowledge gained from this training, this will be an opportunity to collaborate with my peers and make new connections at the community events we host, volunteer for more public speaking opportunities at conferences that our customers attend, and discover the most effective tips and techniques that we can apply to our department communications.

I’m most excited to receive training on an area that is so pivotal to my team’s confidence and success; it’s an invaluable opportunity to step away from work and learn proven presentation strategies that are directly applicable to our business. When the training is complete, I will share key takeaways with the other departments.

[Optional – insert your projects below]

I believe attending this Presentation Skills Training will help me move these projects forward:

  • [add project or initiative]
  • [add project or initiative]
  • [add project or initiative]

The two-day training will cost [$ insert total here], which is outlined below. The price includes all program development, training by a senior-level Executive Communication Coach, and participants’ materials.  A detailed proposal is also attached.

Training Investment Fee:  [Our business office will prepare a detailed proposal and investment breakdown that includes information on transportation costs to and from your location.  Ask to see if you qualify for any discounts.]

The earlier we register for the two-day on-site training, the easier it will be to schedule our selected dates. 

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your reply.


Okay, that’s it! Email me at [email protected] to help you complete any of the blanks or additional information you might need to get approval for the training.

There has never been a better time to become extraordinary in your role. The power is in your hands. After you get the approval you are looking for, let’s get together for a short meeting and discuss why it makes sense for The Speech Improvement Company to be the one that helps your department achieve their communication goals. 

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