What Does It Mean To Be A High Level Communicator?

In meetings today, getting talk time can be a challenge. Often there are levels of seniority and cultures that do not promote just anyone jumping in to speak. So when you speak, you must make sure you make a comment that will have some teeth in it. One that will resonate with the rest of the team and ideally one that will leave them feeling you contributed something of value. After all, you are at the meeting for a reason: what you think and contribute is valued by your colleagues.

I coach my clients to answer the following question: “What does it mean to be a high level communicator?”

Here are the three key aspects:

  1. The ability to give a 360 degree perspective. Picture yourself looking completely around you, what are you seeing and hearing? Visualize yourself three feet over the group in the room, literally. What comment will you share that shows you see where the momentum of the group is going?  For example: “We’re talking about creative ways to offer the team more support.  I heard three different ideas that we agree have some real merit.”
  2. The ability to give an editorial. An editorial refers to a comment that you make based on your experience, perspective, opinion, and recommendation. For example: “From what I’ve observed in meetings with Tom’s and other management teams, I’d recommend we aim for a 30-day transition.”
  3. The ability to synthesize and integrate what other people are saying. Show you are an active listener by adding a comment that weaves together themes or strands of what individuals may be saying. “Using Catherine’s research on past campaigns and Dylan’s ideas on marketing, we could create a new model that will accomplish our goal to save time while offering more support to the team.”

Adding a comment that shows you have thoughtfully listened and integrated what is being discussed is not too hard to do.  However, it takes focus.  It takes mindfulness. You must be present in the moment and really pay attention to what each member is contributing.

Try it: Imagine you’re in a meeting next Monday and a topic comes up that you are actively familiar with.  How can you increase the quality of your participation?

Be brave! Give it a try and watch the reaction of others when they see you as a person who speaks with confidence.


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The Magic of the Metaphor to Simplify Complex Information

When explaining complicated, technical concepts during a presentation, metaphors can be a powerful way to ensure your audience understands the material. By comparing a complex idea to something familiar, you make the information more relatable and easier to grasp. Take the concept of cloud computing, for example. Instead of delving into the technical intricacies, you could compare it to a bustling airport terminal. Just as passengers board different flights to reach various destinations, data in

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From Jargon to Clarity

In technical fields, your expertise is invaluable—but when sharing complex information with non-technical listeners, the goal isn’t to showcase your depth of knowledge. Instead, focus on helping them understand and trust what you’re saying. As a communication coach with 30 years of experience, my advice is simple: “It’s not about you.” Your listeners need clarity, not complexity. Tailoring your message to how they want to receive it fosters understanding and builds trust. Here are three

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Speak With Confidence Tips

Tip #1: Consider your use of contractions If you want to polish and add gravitas to your speaking style, it’s time to reconsider your use of contractions. The words below can be a good start to set a formal tone and an excellent approach to elevate your messaging. aren’t → are not; there’s → there is; can’t → cannot; they’d → they had; couldn’t → could not; they’ll → they will; didn’t → did not;

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