In a world where you can choose from thousands of methods, schools, on-line outlets, and internal programs, why should you trust your executive education to us at The Speech Improvement Company?
Well, to say it plainly,  we are really good at it.
Just ask our clients.  As specialists in communication, we have mastered the skill of training and coaching executives to develop the skills they need to lead.  Core communication competencies such as delegating, disciplining, speaking to motivate, giving feedback, and situational leadership and management skills are the fundamentals that we’ve been studying, teaching, and training hudreds of thousands of clients around the world.
Even pop-culture books such as Dare to Lead, Radical Candor, and many more have discussed the very tools and techniques we’ve been teaching executives for decades.
Is the content old?  No.  In the big picture, much of what we know dates back as far as Aristotle, but overall, communication competencies have not changed much since the 1920’s.  Style has changed.  Context has changed, vocabulary and challens of communication have changed, but the core ideas in human communication remain.

During a time when a google search will show hundreds of thousands of people who’ve created a $10 website claiming to teach and train people on public speaking and communication skills, how can you be sure that your investment of time and money are going to pay off? Our team of highly trained, certified, and vetted speech coaches have studied as high as the doctoral level and beyond in the areas of speech communication.


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