History of Speech Improvement
To understand the history of Virtual Reality for Speech Communication and Public Speaking, development it helps to learn and know the history of The Speech Improvement Company.
In 1964, Paula and Dennis Becker received their undergraduate degrees in Speech from Emerson College in Boston. Their desire was to help others strengthen speaking skills. They also wanted to start a family, and to work together. With the noted exception of Toastmasters International, and Dale Carnegie, there were few, if any, opportunities for speech trainers/coaches. So, they started their own business and gave it the clear and descriptive name: THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Services included both Speech Coaching and Speech Pathology.
As the family, and the business grew, they recruited, invited, cajoled and otherwise brought other trained Speech professionals into the firm. These new coaches added to the list of services, personalities, and coaching/training styles. Both Paula and Dennis have been highly selective in their choice of professionals to represent the firm. This emphasis on quality and well-trained coaches/trainers soon became the trademark of THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Particular value has always been placed on being a “family business”. The word “family” comes first. This has attracted professionals who bring a special enthusiasm for communication while valuing family care and interaction as a priority in life. The team attitude and approach toward the “business’ continues to engender collegiality among THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY staff, and ensures clients complete coverage and attention to detail at all times.
Throughout the early years, emphasis was placed on continuing education for Paula and Dennis. Both of which whom ultimately have risen to the level of PH.D in the communication field. This emphasis is also reflected in the staff. Refining and strengthening coaching/training skills has always been a primary part of the culture of he firm. To this day, the team members coach and train each other. Every month, all coaches and trainers return to the home office in Boston to attend a formal “Development Day” of learning. These words have hung in the home office for more than 35 years…”There is no use walking anywhere to teach, unless we teach as we walk.” Clients quickly recognized the level of knowledge of human communication and coaching/training skill that THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY has brought to the learning relationship.
Changes in technology, society, and client needs have expanded both the firms list of services and clients. Today, the presence of THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY can be found throughout the world. Coaching/training is conducted for leaders of countries, and leaders of companies, high profiles public personalities, and private individuals seeking to improve their communication skills. Services are delivered in workshops, private coaching sessions, phone and videoconferences, CD, DVD, and on the Web’s ‘TALKING ABOUT TALKING”. (Short teachings delivered by various staff members). THE SPEECH IMPROFEMENT COMPANY coaches/trainers have written numerous articles as well as seven books on the subject of Speech Communication. These books are popular worldwide and have been translated into 5ive different languages. THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY coaches/trainers have appeared on countless radio/television programs as guest experts, delivered presentations at hundreds of conferences and host a daily “Ask The Coach” chat room on the their website:
Their fervor to help people become both comfortable and effective speakers, motivated Paula, Dennis, and the staff, to partner with scientists and engineers from around the world to embark on a never before attempted effort to gain control over one of the nations most frequently cited fears—the fear of speaking. Dennis led the project along with the world-renowned pioneer researcher in virtual reality, Dr. Max North. Together, over period of 3 years their team researched, experimented, developed and eventually patented and produced Virtual Reality Treatment. It is the worlds first VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy) program for treatment of fear of speaking. This program is utilized in clinics, schools, and treatment centers worldwide. It is a contribution to humanity, which won the coveted Cyber Edge award in Best Virtual Reality Project of the Year. This achievement is an example of the professionalism, creativity, and commitment to excellence for THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY has become well known.
In recent years, THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY received the Excellence in Practice Citation in Organizational Learning from the American Society for training and Development. Despite being in competition, THE SPEECH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY was awarded this honor for the design, materials, training, and coaching for an 84 city, worldwide effort prepared and conducted for Compaq Computers (?) This was yet another example of the competence and creativity which TSIC brings to every client.
These awards and developments are indicative of the dedication to professionalism, which has always characterized TSIC. Likewise, the offering of services covers nearly any type of human interaction. As is often said within the firm, “if it has to do with people talking, we’re involved”. The future holds the opportunity to expand these services beyond the current (2006) four offices to allow for easier availability domestically and internationally for corporations and individuals who would like to strengthen their communications skills.
These awards and developments are indicative of the dedication to professionalism, which has always characterized TSIC. Likewise, the offering of services covers nearly any type of human interaction. As is often said within the firm,” if it has to do with people talking, we’re involved”. The future holds the opportunity to expand these services beyond the current (2006) four offices to allow for easier availability domestically and internationally for corporations and individuals who would like to strengthen their communications skills.
These awards and developments are indicative of the dedication to professionalism, which has always characterized TSIC. Likewise, the offering of services covers nearly any type of human interaction. As is often said within the firm,” if it has to do with people talking, we’re involved”. The future holds the opportunity to expand these services beyond the current (2006) four offices to allow for easier availability domestically and internationally for corporations and individuals who would like to strengthen their communications skills.